Feb 13, 2017
The Keys To Riches™ Financial Wellness Series is a baker’s dozen of financial concepts that teach you how to think like the rich and be in control of your own money.
Tune in to this week's Keys to Riches Number Seven: Break the Budget as host Heather Wagenhals offers specific financial techniques to help your financial habits become healthy money management skills.
This week's key is going to finish out our assessment and give us the most realistic picture of what our finances look like. Heather shares her unique way of breaking budgets and bad money habits to create a better more functional way to manage money.
Key Statement:
I know that trying to create and stick to a budget is a losing proposition because it can mean sacrifice and not truly addressing my financial challenges; therefore, to be truly financially independent, I must create and stick to a realistic healthy savings and spending plan.
Key Affirmation:
I have and live by a healthy savings and spending plan.
Key Commitment:
I commit to designing and living by a healthy savings and spending plan that suits me and my family.
Key Action Item:
Categorize your assessment envelope. Analyze your expenditures in each area. Are they what you thought they would be? Pull out your Dreams With Deadlines™ strategy and further evaluate your needs versus wants. Balance them with your goals. Work on your essential wants and figure out how we can reallocate those non-essential wants after we create our savings plan and eliminate our debt so we can begin to take control of our financial future.
These are just some examples of things you can anticipate and work into your plans. Be creative with you strategy so you can achieve financial independence AND still enjoy the fruits of your labors today.
Tune in every week as Heather Wagenhals, host of Unlock Your Wealth Radio, reveals this week's Key, along with our Key of the Week, Moolah Word of the Day, Money Drama & more! Click HERE to listen to last week's Key Six: Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst.