Jan 30, 2015
Ian Aronovich, Co-Founder and CEO of GovernmentAuctions.org, reveals government auction strategies with Heather Wagenhals, host and executive producer, of Unlock Your Wealth Radio. Tune in to the Libsyn platform this Friday, January 30th at 9AM PST as the auction expert shares bidding tips and the advantages of government auctions.
Ian began shopping government auctions for the bargains they yielded on the artifacts of the good life -- electronics, cars and jewelry. But instead of leaving with great deals, he came away with a business idea -- a website that lists auctions of government-seized and surplus items and foreclosures.
GovernmentAuctions.org is an excellent resource for all-things considered when it comes to auctions. While government websites usually list their auctions and the Internet abounds with foreclosed properties on the auction block, GovernmentAuctions.org is a one-stop repository of information about such events throughout the country. Visit his site to take your first experience at an auction and see how the pros perform.
Take notes during this educational conversation between Ian and Heather as Ian reveals what to avoid at auctions and how to stay away from items that are too high for a great deal. Tune in this interview as Ian informs listeners of the advantages to government auctions on the Unlock Your Wealth Radio Libsyn platform this Friday, January 30th at 9AM PST.
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