Feb 14, 2014
Scottsdale, Arizona- Zoltan Istvan, best selling author of The Transhumanist Wager, joins Heather Wagenhals, Executive Producer and host of UnlockYourWealthRadio.com, to discuss how we will interpret our finances in the future with the new philosophy, TEF (Teleological Egocentric Functionalism). Zoltan will also express great details from his bestselling visionary novel, The Transhumanist Wager, as he breaks down the definition of transfuminism and how this new philosophy will enable listeners to move beyond the human body.
Libsyn's Popular Money Show welcomes Zoltan Istvan, philosopher, entrepreneur and former National Geographic and New York Times correspondent to Season 18 the Barely Legal edition. Listen this Friday morning at 9 a.m. PST as Heather and Zoltan discuss the biggest challenges we face in managing money.
This week’s trivia is based on last week’s Key: Take Emotion Out of the Picture, plus Minutes on your Money and more during Declare Your Financial Independence 2014.
This Week’s Key in the Keys to Riches Financial Wellness Series: